
Auto text copy fast spam
Auto text copy fast spam

  1. Auto text copy fast spam how to#
  2. Auto text copy fast spam full#
  3. Auto text copy fast spam windows 10#

Right now I am using the following method: ::abc::all bad cats The current keystroke method I'm using is quite time consuming and therefore something I would rather avoid.

Auto text copy fast spam how to#

With the ampersand it abandons the process instantly, which completes in 1 second in the background.ĭoing all the above will fully integrate Tmux, Vim, and local putty client clipboards without touching a mouse! This was the only way I could find to do this.I've been trying to figure out how to insert/expand long text faster.

Auto text copy fast spam full#

Without it working, it waits a full second before closing, which can break the flow of your work. Note that the ampersand is necessary because I couldn't get netcat's -q 0 flag to work properly. Or inside a vim script silent! !cat ~/.clipboard | nc 11311 &

auto text copy fast spam

Once your text selection is in the file, you can pipe the output to the remote side of the port forward: cat ~/.clipboard | nc 11311 clipboard file as an intermediary using a vim function gist.

auto text copy fast spam

I integrate the vim and tmux clipboards using the. Or, you can use Vim to save a buffer (in this case, z) to a file silent! redir! > ~/.clipboard

auto text copy fast spam

Use a command to send your text selection to a file tmux save-buffer ~/.clipboard On the remote *nix server, you need to use vim or Tmux to send text selections to a file. Run the above in a command prompt you run as admin, because you're biding to a port. Wrap this in an eternal for loop like so: for /L %N IN () do nc -lp 1234 | clip

Auto text copy fast spam windows 10#

Use netcat as a listening server that pipes output to the windows 10 clip command which sends input to the windows clipboard. Set your putty > connection > SSH > tunnels to forward R11311 to localhost:1234 I made a video of how to do this here:, but here's the short version: If you're using a tool like Vim or Tmux to make keyboard based text selections, you can dump the output to a file, and (dating myself here) netcat to a putty reverse port tunnel to a local service which dumps input to the local clipboard.

auto text copy fast spam

However, Putty can facilitate the reverse transmission of data from the remote side. Worked on this for a while, and Putty itself can't let you copy with just the clipboard. ) Write the contents of the paste buffer to theĬ-a } (history) Copy and paste a previous (command) line.Ĭ-a > (writebuf) Write paste buffer to a file. an excerpt from the man pages: C-a esc (copy) Enter copy/scrollback mode.Ĭ-a ] (paste. If you need to copy and paste only within the terminal window itself, refer to either the man page for the shell you're using or consider using the unix "screen" app ('man screen' for more info), which allows text selection for copy / paste within the terminal window (similar to how vi's copy / paste works). Pasting from the Windows clipboard into putty can be done with Shift- Insert. The only way to copy information from the putty window to the Windows clipboard with a keyboard shortcut is to use the app system menu "copy all to clipboard" (which you can invoke from alt-space, provided you set the "Window > Behavior > System menu appears on ALT-Space" option configured in putty. there is a feature request on the putty site specifically for this functionality. So far as I know, there is no means of copying a selected area from the putty window to the Windows clipboard without using the mouse.

Auto text copy fast spam